





harcourt donadieu.


title — the fae cardinal.
age — 128.
nameday — 2nd sun of the 6th astral moon ( 11-2. )
guardian — none.
birthplace — kingdom of voeburt.
current residence — il mheg.


race — elezen ( wildwood. )
gender — cis male.
height / weight — 6’10” / 200 lbs.
hair / eye color — light pink / light green.
scars — none.
notable features — dragon scales covering his body, white horns, white maned tail. no left eye.


types — istj, the logistian - 6w5 - melancholic - scorpio
traits — independent - stubborn - guarded - loyal - haughty - condescending - dutiful - impulsive - self assured - realist - reckless

harcourt has grown up feeling entitled, superior, and above all that his imposingly tall figure towers over. he turns up his nose, sneering at most people and grimaces whenever he feels someone has imposed on him in some minute way, and he’d never hesitate to voice any unwarranted jabs about anything he can set his mind on.the cutthroat attitude he gained in schooling translated him to rely solely on himself. he can be slow to trust and is very guarded about his personal life, only ever opening up under specific circumstances or while confiding with his loved ones. if you manage to get him to that point, then congratulations! it’ll be a lot easier to get personal with him, provided he’s given the same amount of openness in return.knowing that harcourt happily fulfills the jerk role most of the time, it may come as a surprise to see him as one of the most loyal friends one would ever meet. his dedication to his ideals is seldom broken, only shaken by something that would effectively shatter all he knew of before. he can be a very protective individual when necessary, and his unflinching, critical attitude can leave him saying some stinging words, but words that ultimately need to be heard. if you don’t want to listen to him though, he isn’t going to waste his breath repeating himself.harcourt isn't without a stubborn and impulsive streak, and wish to rely solely on himself has lead him to take very dangerous measures to preserving that. he will go against anyone's wishes almost hypocritically, his actions justified in his head as being in line with a set of morals he won't reveal to anyone else. couple this with the ferocity of being a dragon, he is a force that cannot be subdued without equal or more power. to say that his actions and judgement can be clouded is a severe understatement.

class(es) & abilities.

"dark" knight —— originally a typical greatsword-wielding knight, harcourt's connection with the fae has allowed him to hone a different, yet similar sort of magic for his swordplay. attacks are imbued with water and light magic, effects blooming as if inspired by the flowers he grew up around, but effects as deadly as the ice cold lake he was forced to roam for a century.dragon form —— when he made the contract with the fuath and ultimately the fae folk as a whole, harcourt was given a form to befit his new role: a sprawling, iridescent white serpent with the ability to swiftly swim through water, but lithe enough to make roam on land without problem.harcourt is able to switch between his human and dragon forms, even honing his skills to the point of maintaining a form in-between for combat.


pre-calamity & a realm reborn.

harcourt is an elf knight living amongst the fae in il mheg. at 128 years old, he is stuck in time since the start of the flood, making a deal with the fuath to escape the fate of a sin eater. from then on, he has been their every-loyal lake serpent and guard, drowning and maiming all intruders to their that 100 years he manages to be on somewhat amicable terms with the other groups of faerie, often regarded as a grumpy guard dog than anyone who would actually hurt the fae folk. he is known to play along with their mischief and do errands on the side, but is ultimately confined to the land in this region.


imagine hw but like harcourt is there. that's it that's the tweet


something something zenos, something something blood addiction


il mheg time. fuchi adoption. fuath pact. reclaiming your faith. the religious gay experience basically

ludovic aestron.


age — 41 ( Shb. )
nameday — 17th sun of the 2nd astral moon ( 5-16. )
guardian — azeyma, the warden.
birthplace — northern mountains of ilsabard.
current residence — none.


race — hrothgar ( helions. )
gender — cis male.
height / weight — 7’5” / 340 lbs.
hair / eye color — snowy pink / yellow.
scars — large diagonal scar across chest, 2 jagged scars across nose, plenty smaller ones from previous fights.


types — esfj, the consul - 6w7 - sanguine - taurus
traits — dutiful - fair - supportive - strong-willed - charismatic - resilient
blunt - headstrong - stubborn

a man devoted to his axe above all else, ludovic is a stalwart tank of a man who would like nothing more than to lead others into the fray and make sure they come out safe and sound. even from a young age he had always been the one others could turn to for protection and count on to put others above himself at all times. ludovic would damn well lay down his life for others if the need arises, but he’s going to rip and tear well before he actually goes belly up. ludovic is even more fiercely dedicated to defending his closest friends, and under the right (or wrong) circumstances, may find him tapping into a more brutal ferocity to keep them safe.his peers called him a natural born leader and he’s stepped into the role quite nicely in the past decade or so. with a bright grin and willingness to take action at a moment’s notice, ludovic can easily garner the attention or admiration of anyone who’s willing to hear him out. he considers himself to be fairly likeable, and always makes sure to approach others as equals rather than someone they need to follow without question. he isn’t as fanciful with the wordplay that a bard might be, but the passion in his voice could just as well instill the same will to persevere in his teammates nonetheless.ludovic isn’t the type of person to give up so easily. when he sets his mind on something, he’s absolutely determined to see it through and will not stop until he’s either made noticeable progress or has finished over and over again to his own satisfaction. this can easily lead him to become overly stubborn as well, and you won’t find him backing down from defending his points of views or arguments if he’s committed enough.though he hope he comes off as someone who is more devoted to protecting others around him, he can be a bit of a glory boy, adventuring and fighting for the fame and recognition (though he never was and never will be the type to gloat or, twelve forbid, let it get to his head.) he can develop a bit of a prideful streak that can only be knocked off by one of his plans go awry, or if someone was there to punch a bit of sense back into him. ludovic does have a certain style to approaching things, and would forgo his orders to push on headstrong if he felt it was easier. given enough information, he can and will jump into the fray against others’ wishes.

class(es) & abilities.

warrior —— while ludovic had always been the defensive, protective type, his vicious tendencies in battle had not manifested until the infancy of the ala mhigan invasion where ludovic had stumbled upon a past warrior’s soul crystal. thrumming with power a distance away from his squadron’s camp, the crystal drew out ludovic and claimed him for his prowess in battle. as talented as the young soldier was, even he could not tame the stone’s inner beast that had taken hold so suddenly, and had very nearly maimed both friend and foe alike over the course of that night as a result. his team was able to subdue him after a bit of struggle, his weapons stripped and arms bound until he awoke the next morning.remorseful over his actions, ludovic nearly cast himself from the squadron had it not been for the defense of his peers and their commander, who had offered the young hrothgar a chance to tame whatever power he had acquired and use it to turn the tides in coming battles. he had kept it reigned in to the best of his ability, though he would let it slip during times of desperation.though the inner beast constantly threatened to overtake the fledgeling warrior, ludovic saw it as a challenge to overcome and used the memories and knowledge in the soul crystal to hone his own abilities. as sloppy as the improvements were, ludovic made progress nonetheless with the hope to form a mutual relationship with his beast. what little control he had over it was wielded effectively, and ludovic’s ferocious axe was let loose upon opposing forces. with each battle won, the beast grew more impressed with the warrior’s skills and would even offer a fraction of its own power more readily, though not to the point that ludovic could outright abuse it.GUNBLADE ( off-class, no soulstone. ) — as an ex-garlean soldier, ludovic is well-versed in the magitek gunblade. it was his go-to weapon during his early days in the military, often using it for both close range and melee skirmishes.after acquiring his battleaxe and taking up the warrior title, ludovic retired the gunblade for about 20 years before picking up another again -- specifically the revving and bloodied prototype gunsaw, charon. the weapon was the main tool grynewaht used against ludovic in their fight at doma castle, one that left the former dead and the latter heavily scarred both mentally and physically. ludovic took the hefty weapon as his own soon after he recovered enough to wield it, its weight reminding him of the disservice to his own son and his animosity towards the garlean empire.


pre-calamity & a realm reborn.

hailing from a mountainous region in northern ilsabard, ludovic (then known as solkramm) was the secondborn to a mercenary couple, just one of many such families from the region under garlemald’s rule. despite this, he grew into a kind and dutiful child, always willing to jump to the aid of others in need and defend with all of his might. this aspect was nurtured by his family and eventually ludovic became known as someone to run to for help when the moment called for a young adult, ludovic was conscripted into the XIVth legion as the empire began bulking up their numbers for the ala mhigan invasion. neither willing nor supportive, ludovic nonetheless took up his magitek dutifully and creating a fearsome name for himself on the battlefield. this aspect was only further encouraged after he had come into a very violent sort of power, disappearing one day and showing back up with a rusted battleaxe and an animalistic gleam in his eyes. friend and foe feared him alike, but his power led his squadron to many victories over the ala mhigans and eventually to the empire’s full control over gyr abania.after the war, ludovic opted not to apply for citizenship despite glowing recommendations, using his time back home to hone the beastly power he’d come into alongside the prospect of starting a family. he would continue to answer the empire’s call to arms as necessary, if only to guarantee safety for his loved ones and what few close friends he had. after the birth of his one and only son, grynewaht, ludovic would have another reason to keep in the good graces of the empire.leaving home for months at a time, ludovic was eventually promoted to the rank centurio, transferred to the VIIth legion. he spent his time training recruits and honing them for battle, while his leadership allowed him to further climb the ranks and cull favor (and abuse) with nael van darnus. when the legatus was killed, the remainder of the VIIth legion was merged with the others placed on the front lines at carteneau, fighting tooth and nail for the garlean empire under the looming red moon of dalamud. but like nearly every other fighter on the battleground, ludovic couldn’t anticipate the moon’s collapse and the birth of the frightening and all-powerful primal, bahamut.with nearly all of his squadron dead around him from the battles prior, a battered and beaten ludovic accepted these few moments as his last alive. the debris coming loose from bahamut’s assault had managed to scar ludovic heavily through his helm, knocking the hrothgar out in the process. through some miracle, he was one of the very, very few to wake up with his life intact, the elder primal nowhere in sight with a sea of dead surrounding him. seeing the amount of casualties wrought by the garleans’ meteor project, ludovic used this opportunity to feign himself dead and desert the military. though a cowardly escape, his family would be safer with him being declared dead than being branded a traitor to the empire.being unfamiliar with the 3 city-states, ludovic completely changed his name and took up his battleaxe as a roaming mercenary offering his skillset and strength while forging connections over the next 5 years. he kept his involvement with the empire in secret for fear of being recognized or even ousted, especially in ul’dah where many ala mhigans fled to after the civil war. over time, ludovic became a notable warrior who was often sought out by aspiring marauders for brief training or by other companies in need of reputable muscle.

fufuroon safuroon.


true name — safumu lasafumu.
age — 18.
nameday — 7th sun of the 5th umbral moon ( 10-7. )
guardian — llymlaen, the navigator.
birthplace — la noscea.
current residence — none ; nomadic.


race — lalafell ( plainsfolk. )
gender — trans male.
height / weight — 3’2” / 30 lbs.
hair / eye color —silver / sky blue.
scars — none.
notable features — freckles.


types — estp, the entrepreneur - 7w8 - phlegmatic - libra
traits — sociable - easygoing - self-serving - opportunistic - mediating - indulgent - perceptive - amiable

a simple lalafell living to fish and make coin, fufuroon enjoys his life day to day and takes each challenge as they come to him rather than seeking them out. he’s a surprisingly adaptable kid, growing up learning the ins and outs of trading, bartering, and a nomadic lifestyle.getting the opportunity to meet a variety of people across the plains of la noscea, ranging from those who are happy to do business with him and his clan to those who turn up their noses to his beastly family, fufuroon has learned not to take comments too harshly and let them roll off of back. he isn’t immune to self-consciousness, however, and the bitter treatment of him and his family has lead him to withdraw somewhat and even bury natural habits he’s picked up from being raised by qiqirn. one small comment about it and you'll immediately find him switching his dialect and tensing his young as he is, the experience gained from dealing with both genuine and ingenuine merchants has given fufuroon some perception, allowing him to read into people better. he tailors himself to fit the interaction, but this may make him come off as insincere. with a lack of interpersonal relationships outside of his clan or with customers, he’s due to learn how to express his true feelings. his laid back attitude, easiness to startle, and natural curiosity for anything are just some of the few things he’s content to be around doubt fufuroon would be destined to life of wealth if he put the effort into it, but at the end of the day he's happy to sell a few things a day and turn to fishing to wind down. he does have a deep desire to move beyond the isles and see the rest of eorzea('s fishes and markets), preferably with as little conflict as possible. he doesn't consider himself an adventurer in the slightest, and like his fellow rats, fufuroon is quick to flee even at the expense of his companions' lives or wellbeing. it would take a very strong force to keep his feet planted in the face of danger.

class(es) & abilities.

fisher —— lol!!!


pre-calamity & a realm reborn.



parents — a pair of lalafellin merchants. fufuroon’s parents were killed in a pirate raid, months after fufuroon was born. he has no strong feelings for them, nor wants for the concept of biological parents.qiqirn clan — fufuroon’s adoptive family. he was picked up by a nomadic clan of qiqirn who were in the area scavenging the raided homes for goods to sell. hearing the baby’s lonely and hungry cries, the qiqirn found its hiding place and took it into their care. he was raised just like one of their own, and his lalafellin stature helped him blend in with the rest of the clan.

sayuri hase.


age — 24.
nameday — 31st sun of the 6th astral moon ( 11-31. )
guardian — the kami ; nald'thal, the traders.
birthplace — isari, ruby sea.
current residence — kugane.


race — au ra ( raen. )
gender — cis female.
height / weight — 5’2” / 125 lbs.
hair / eye color —white / pink.
scars — none.
notable features — black-dyed hair tips ; neon blue limbal rings.


types — enfp, the campaigner - 5w4 - sanguine - sagittarius
traits — sociable - curious - introspective - foolish - honest - undeterred - airheaded - humble - cautious